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World Happiness Summit®

Reconnect & Celebrate International Day of Happiness at

World Happiness Summit® RESILIENCE

March 18-20, 2022 Miami
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The World Happiness Summit® (WOHASU) is a 3-day event that unites the world’s leading experts in the science of happiness and wellbeing with a global audience to learn practical tools for a happier life.

  • JOIN US for this unique and experiential Summit.
  • UNDERSTAND and EXPERIENCE the science of happiness.
  • NETWORK with a conscious community of likeminded individuals & coaches.
  • LEARN & BUILD habits for a sustainable happiness practice.
  • PROMOTE the Global Happiness Movement.
  • ENJOY the content in Spanish (Traducción Simultánea).









A Holistic Approach to Happiness

Explore the Six Elements of Wellbeing

Establishing inner awareness and living consciously

Fostering healthy living practices

Finding meaning in your personal and professional life

Belonging and contributing to healthy ecosystems

Developing healthy financial awareness

Creating and maintaining strong and supportive relationships

Lord Richard Layard
“The World Happiness Summit was really inspiring. The talks were wonderful but so was the audience. This feels like the beginning of a powerful movement of people who will change our culture.”

Lord Richard Layard
Economist, Professor, Co-Editor World Happiness Report & Co-Founder Action for Happiness
Ariel Garten
“Community. Joy. Innovation. Learning. Inspiration. HAPPINESS! The World Happiness Summit went above and beyond the typical conference.”

Ariel Garten
Artist, Scientist and Intellectual
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar
“At a time when the world is simultaneously fighting a pandemic, its serious economic consequences, and confronting issues of racial injustice, connection and well-being are more important than ever. We are grateful for the valuable online resources the World Happiness Summit is offering in support of emotional and mental health”

Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar
Best-Selling Author & Speaker who taught the most popular class at Harvard.
President Julio Frenk
“At a time when the world is simultaneously fighting a pandemic, its serious economic consequences, and confronting issues of racial injustice, connection and well-being are more important than ever. We are grateful for the valuable online resources the World Happiness Summit is offering in support of emotional and mental health”

President Julio Frenk
University of Miami
Dr. Martin Seligman

Dr. Martin Seligman

Director of the Penn Positive Psychology Center and the Penn Master of Applied Positive Psychology program (MAPP)
Dr. Maria Sirois

Dr. Maria Sirois

Master Teacher, Facilitator & Author
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Speaker & Best-Selling Author who taught the Most Popular Class at Harvard

Lord Richard Layard

Lord Richard Layard

Economist, Professor, Co-Editor World Happiness Report & Co-Founder Action for Happiness
Karen Guggenheim

Karen Guggenheim

Co-Founder & Producer, World Happiness Summit® and Founder/CEO, WOHASU®
Mo Gawdat

Mo Gawdat

Former Chief Business Officer for Google [X], Author & Founder One Billion Happy

Dr. Kelli Harding

Dr. Kelli Harding

Physician, Writer and Educator
Dr. Fred Luskin

Dr. Fred Luskin

Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project
Maria Loi

Maria Loi

Chef, Restaurateur, Author, & Healthy Lifestyle Expert

Shannon Allen

Shannon Allen

Creator of grown™
Dr. Sandro Formica

Dr. Sandro Formica

International Speaker, Author & Professor
Jennifer Fisher

Jennifer Fisher

Chief Well-being Officer, Deloitte 

Dr. Raj Sisodia

Dr. Raj Sisodia

Co-Founder of Conscious Capitalism Inc.
Rosie Acosta

Rosie Acosta

Rosie Acosta is a world-renowned Yoga and Meditation Teacher
Elina Teboul

Elina Teboul

Speaker, Lawyer, Executive Coach and Consultant

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener

Dr. Robert Biswas-Diener

"Indiana Jones of Positive Psychology," Author, Trainer & Coach
Mandy Seligman

Mandy Seligman

Mandy Seligman is the founder of
Itai Itzvan

Itai Itzvan

Positive Psychologist, Senior Lecturer, & Program Leader of MAPP

Dr. Neha Sangwan

Dr. Neha Sangwan

Physician, Author, Speaker, Coach
Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky

Dr. Isaac Prilleltensky

Former Dean of Education & Human Development & Vice Provost for Institutional Culture University of Miami, & Author
Tia Graham

Tia Graham

Chief Happiness Officer and Founder of Arrive At Happy

Megan McDonough

Megan McDonough

Cofounder and CEO of Wholebeing Institute
JoAnna Brandi

JoAnna Brandi

Certified Chief Happiness Officer
Sara Blanchard

Sara Blanchard

WOHASU® MC, Coach & Happiness Consultant

Dorota Stanczyk

Dorota Stanczyk

Transformational Artist, Speaker & Writer
Cesar Cervantes

Cesar Cervantes

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