33 Ideas for #HappyActs
February 5, 2019
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Source: LiveHappy
Dive into our ideas or go to happyacts.org to add your own plans and activities to make your world a happier place.
- Choreograph a new happy dance!
- Thank someone you encounter often for what they add to your life.
- Treat yourself to a massage, a long run or a favorite meal.
- Create a happiness board for your long-term dreams and goals.
- Spend time with friends and let them know you appreciate them.
- Brighten a co-worker’s day with a word or a note of praise.
- Be generous! Bring breakfast to work or start a cleanup campaign in your community.
- Broaden your mind with lifelong learning.
- Put down the phone and go for a walk.
- Try something new that challenges you, like an adventure Meetup.
- Start a game of dominoes or cards with friends and family.
- Volunteer for a cause you believe in.
- Host a happiness dinner or give a home-cooked meal to someone.
- Spend time outside and do something positive for the environment.
- Pick up trash in your community.
- Give the person you’re with your full attention.
- Rock out to your favorite playlist.
- Get out of your comfort zone and let your curiosity run wild.
- Make someone laugh.
- Celebrate the International Day of Happiness on March 20!
- Give yourself the power to forgive.
- Call a family member just to catch up.
- Spend quality time with a pet.
- Invest in your community—shop local.
- Tell someone, “I love you.”
- Tag your happiness heroes on social media and describe why you admire them.
- Show affection with a warm hug.
- Paint your positivity on a rock and leave it for others to find.
- Life is short; be kind.
- Let someone go in front of you in line.
- Write a hope letter about what you wish to achieve in the next year.
- Pass along magazines you’re finished reading.
- Leave a generous tip for excellent service.