Source: Positive Psychology Learning
The World Happiness Summit (WoHaSu) is the brainchild of Karen Guggenheim and was launched in 2017. It is an annual conference that brings together some of the leading experts in the field of happiness to take you on a journey of discovery to learn about, experience and practice some of the evidence-based tools that can enable sustainable happiness and wellbeing for people.
Feeling unfulfilled in her successful career and wanting to create sustainable happiness in her life, the idea for the World Happiness Summit (WoHaSu) was created in the mind of Karen Guggenheim. The intention for WoHaSu is to bring together the leading researchers and practitioners in happiness and positive psychology to educate people about scientific ways to increase their happiness and wellbeing. The WoHaSu vision is that “through knowledge and new positive mindsets, attendees can reshape their personal, family and professional lives.”
With the first WoHaSu event took place in March 2017 in Miami, it will now be an annual event to forge a global movement, which is focused on increasing the awareness of happiness as a life choice, a human right for everyone and to promote it in society as a whole. WoHaSu is taking the approach of building a platform for people to learn how to apply science-based happiness interventions in their lives, to create a happier world.
The three day summit is a global event and more than 1,000 people from over 30 countries attended the event in 2017. Attendees have the opportunity to go on a highly experiential journey designed to stimulate all five senses with activities such as yoga, meditation, live musical entertainment, break away sessions and keynote speeches from top experts in positive psychology, government, sustainability, economics, mindfulness, technology, business and media. The aim is that people can experience, explore and share their passion for living with a positive mindset to create sustainable happiness.
The World Happiness Summit 2018 will take place in Miami, Florida from 16-18th March. If you would like to find out more about the summit and to book your place, visit the WoHaSu website – http://www.wohasu.world/world-happiness-summit/
Featured Speakers for 2018:
• Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, renowned expert in Positive Psychology who taught the most popular course at
Harvard University
• Mo Gawdat, Chief Business Officer, Google (X) & Author “Solve For Happy: Engineer Your Path To Joy”
• Dr. James Pawelski, Director of Education and Senior Scholar in the Positive Psychology Center at the University of Pennsylvania
• Stefan Sagmeister, internationally acclaimed graphic designer, two-time Grammy Award winner, filmmaker of The Happy Film
• Lord Richard Layard, Programme Director – Wellbeing, Centre for Economic Performance, London
School of Economics, Co-Editor of The World Happiness Report
• Ismael Cala, Motivational Speaker and former CNN en Español Host
• Dr. Baime, Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine & founder and Director of the Penn Program for Mindfulness
• Dr. Mark Williamson, Director, Action for Happiness
• Howard Martin, Executive Vice President, Heart Math