Ways to tell if you’re really happy
Happiness is something we’re all after. Sometimes it’s easy and natural, and other times it’s a total struggle. A happy life starts from within. It may be influenced by external circumstances and genetics, but it is mainly dependent on you, your actions, and your thoughts. It is a conscious choice and a state of mind that can be cultivated. The more you understand how your brain works, the more you gain the ability to change the way you think and feel.
A good place to start is by getting to know yourself better. Ask yourself these questions:
Do you enjoy the lifestyle you’ve created?
The choices you’ve made put you in the life situation you are right now. We each have the chance to create our own lifestyles, and if you’ve done so with love and intention, you’re probably a pretty happy person. Life can be complicated, but if at the end of the day you feel at peace with how you handled life’s demands you’re on the right track.
Can you cope with setbacks?
You can tell if you are truly happy by your ability to reach your projected potential and objectives that you have set forth in your life. Take a look at a recent disappointment or setback and notice what feelings came up for you. Assess your emotions around failure and underachievement, face even the most challenging of situations and still accept it and find joy,
Do you speak your truth?
The more comfortable you are with yourself and your own opinions, the happier you will be. Happy people don’t tend to get bogged down with other people’s opinions of them. Tip for a happier you: say what you feel clearly and respectfully. It will free you!
Are you pursuing your passions?
Use your time to pursue the activities you love. People who are truly happy are not concerned about what others think and are not held back by the expectations set forth by society. To be happy, you have to feel empowered to go after your dreams and passions, no matter the obstacles you will face.
Do you prioritize your own well-being?
It is crucial to prioritize self-care. Happy people take great care of themselves, such as healthy eating, exercising, meditating, or all of the above. Take time to figure out what truly helps you decompress, focus on yourself, and re-center.
Do you accept yourself as is?
Happy people are the ones who have been able to let most of those insecurities go and just enjoy being themselves. True happiness is when you accept yourself exactly as you are, where you are. One way to know if you have truly accepted yourself, warts and all, is to just sit alone with your thoughts. Being able to sit with your emotions and come out the other side with a positive view of yourself means that you truly are happy, because you accept who you are, flaws and all.