Speakers Classic Grid

This is the the speaker grid.

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Dr. Martin Seligman

Dr. Martin Seligman

Director of the Penn Positive Psychology Center and the Penn Master of Applied Positive Psychology program (MAPP)
Dr. Maria Sirois

Dr. Maria Sirois

Master Teacher, Facilitator & Author
Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar

Speaker & Best-Selling Author who taught the Most Popular Class at Harvard

Lord Richard Layard

Lord Richard Layard

Economist, Professor, Co-Editor World Happiness Report & Co-Founder Action for Happiness
Karen Guggenheim

Karen Guggenheim

Co-Founder & Producer, World Happiness Summit® and Founder/CEO, WOHASU®
Mo Gawdat

Mo Gawdat

Former Chief Business Officer for Google [X], Author & Founder One Billion Happy

Dr. Kelli Harding

Dr. Kelli Harding

Physician, Writer and Educator
Dr. Fred Luskin

Dr. Fred Luskin

Director of the Stanford Forgiveness Project
Maria Loi

Maria Loi

Chef, Restaurateur, Author, & Healthy Lifestyle Expert

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